Launchable & Hand-Thrown Gas & Smoke Grenades MIL-SPEC/DoD Inspected M201A1 Fuse heads with the closest tolerances in the industry: 1.5sec ± .7sec Delay. The Fuse heads are subjected to a 96 hour salt water spray test and all Pyro-fired devices feature our Confidence Clip. CN / CS / Smoke and Combination Dispersion devices available. We have the finest RCA standard = 1: 25,000 of an inch = 1 Micron. Our 52 Series is the fastest and most consistent dispersing in the industry.
Our new OC VAPOR Grenade utilizes a high/low pressure vessel construction to provide total and complete dispersion of the finest particles. The discharge is almost invisible to the observer. All our OC products are not Pyro-initiated and do not require sever storage requirements.
Distraction Noise-Flash Grenades MIL-SPEC/DoD Inspected M201A1 Fuse heads with the closest tolerances in the industry: 1.5sec ± .7sec Delay. 8-grams proprietary Flash Powder mix heats the body only to 300°. 1.63 psi & 6-8 million candela. All flash-bangs are equipped with our Confidence Clip & Pin Shroud for no Pin-Prep and a smooth 29 lb. Pull-Force. Full size: 1.21 lbs / 2" dia. Mini size: .92 lbs / 1.5" Dia. Special Order Plastic Charge Cup for Marine Operations available (Minimum order required) You MUST provide a current Training Certificate for one member of your agency to purchase Flash-Bangs and Sting-Balls; NO EXCEPTIONS.
Single-Shot & 6-Shot Launchers 37mm Smooth-Bore and 40mm Rifled bore.
The 6-shot launchers are available in spring-wound clock-motor drive or Pump-Action.
Flashbang Instructor Certification courses improve the safety of your team and their response to dangerous and potentially harmful situations. Proper education in less than lethal use of force helps officers engage suspects appropriately while acting responsibly. In 2008, CSI began a policy requiring current instructor training certificates for the purchases of Flash-Bangs, Tear-Balls, and Sting-Ball Grenades.
CSI recognizes “Flash-Bang Instructor Certification” training certificates from other manufacturers, state accredited law enforcement training, and other professional sources deemed credible, such as the National Tactical Officers Association and the California Association of Tactical Officers (CATO).
The CATO Academy has launched an online Flashbang Instructor Update course to recertify officers for ensured dependability and accuracy in using flash bangs. CSI will recognize this online course as meeting the requirement for the purchase of these devices. Paul Ford, VP of Sales and Marketing, congratulated CATO on this training development. “This online certification course is a first, a real continuing education piece for officers needing instructor recertification,” said Ford, “it allows for officers to continue their education, stay up-to-date on accuracy measures gained when using less than lethal munitions.”
The CATO Flashbang Instructor Update is available to all US police officers. The curriculum reviews the basics, while presenting new information, legal issues to ponder, and relevant history. With this program CATO is filling a much needed gap in advanced tactical training with a course that is conducted entirely online at a very reasonable cost. For a $15 digital membership to CATO and $50 course tuition one can attend. The direct link to register for this course is
Piggyback Contract for NYS agencies is now in force RFB-RC-2015-008 Rockland County Call us for how your agency can purchase off this Contract
As per the BATFE, you now need a Type 3 Magazine bolted or chain-locked inside your Tactical Response Truck and you may only keep a maximum of
10 Flash Bangs on board.
STORAGE REQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO PURCHASE: Flash-Bangs must be stored in compliance with current federal law, as well as state statues and municipal ordinances. The trunk of a law enforcement vehicle does not meet the mandated storage requirements. Title 27 USC Subpart 1 Section 55.164 states: "Any person who stores any amount of explosives material in a manner not in conformity with this part shall be fined not more than $1,000.00 or imprisoned not more than one year, or both". Note that there is no statutory exception or exemption for law enforcement regarding the storage requirement of the Diversionary Device charge(s). At a minimum, your agency MUST have a Type 2 Indoor Magazine dedicated to just Flash-Bangs. BATFE considers the devices as combination assemblies (both Detonator & Explosive charge). Since the detonator classification of the M201A1 Fuse Head is a higher order than the flash powder charge, the higher classification takes precedence. In other words, you can't store them with your Breaching Explosives; they must be stored separate and on their own in a dedicated magazine. That magazine cannot be located in your truck bay; it MUST be kept in a lockable, controlled-access room. Here is where the feds, state and locals get involved in your business. The BATFE wants to know you have a magazine and exactly where it's located as well has whether it's constructed and locked to the codified minimum federal mandates. The next entity (at least in NYS) is the State Department of Labor - Industrial Safety Compliance and Inspection Division. They want to know that your magazine meets state standards. Lastly, the local Fire Marshal will need to inspect and issue their license. Both the state and local authorities charge a yearly fee. The feds do their work gratis. We don't need to know whether you meet the storage regulations but thanks to the NFA Transfer Documentation that was filed when you bought the Flash-Bangs, they know you have them and one day will stop by for a hopefully friendly visit.
SMOKE / OC / CS / CN / STING BALL GRENADES:Any pyrotechnic RCA dispensing device which utilizes an M201A1 fuse head is now BATFE categorized as an initiating device (detonator). Although there has been no acknowledgment from BATFE as to what the minimum storage requirements are for such, they have directed that device manufactures MUST ship palletized regardless of the device count or product mix. Palletized loads must go via Freight - Truck. No Air and no UPS/FedEx. The truck driver would tail gate the delivery and after signing the Freight Bill, should allow you to de-band or unwrap the pallet and hand carry your order into your facilities.We strongly suggest that until BATFE has settled on a storage requirement, that your agency store all such devices in a heavy-gauge (12-gauge) Locking Security cabinet that is located in a lockable, controlled access room. Your Flash-Bang magazine may be located in the same room.
Because of this reclassification for these devices, it has significantly increased your shipping costs for partial-shipments. All shipments MUST be via Truck-Freight. Non- Pyro initiated products may still ship UPS/FedEx Ground.
Legal Disclaimer The information at does not in any way constitute legal or professional advice and cannot be held liable for actions arising from its use. we accept no liability for any loss or damages, consequential or otherwise, incurred in the reliance of the materials contained within. ATT-Tactical does not guarantee that the information provided herein is free from errors as the BATFE is often fluid in their definitions, descriptives, interpretations, readings, understandings and/or enforcement of federal and/or state laws.
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Counterfeit Parts Mitigation We are in full compliance with both the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and the Trade Agreements Act regarding identifying, segregating and removing counterfeit parts from our supply chain. We insure our dealers and lower tier suppliers are also in compliance.
Pending Patents, Trade Marks, Copyrights and Intellectual Property Unless otherwise noted, all materials, including all of the text, page headers, images, illustrations, graphics, photographs, written and other materials that appear as part of this Catalog (collectively, the "Content") are subject to trademark, service mark, trade dress, copyright, and/or other intellectual property rights or licenses held by Applied Tactical Technologies, Inc., one of its affiliates, or by third parties who have licensed their materials to Applied Tactical Technologies, Inc.,. Furthermore, certain products in this Catalog are subject to patent protection under patent law, including both, utility and design patent protection, as well as trade dress, copyright, and other intellectual property laws.
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